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Motivation in Under 60 seconds.

Motivation in Under 60 seconds.

Today is your day.

It’s there for you.

The only question you have to ask yourself and answer is:

What am I going to do today to make this my day?


All the days that have come before today are gone. They are in the past.

What tomorrow brings is tomorrow’s business.

The day that you have most control over in your lifetime is today.

And it’s there for you if want to make it your day.


The actions you make.

The decisions you take.

The mindset that you carry.

These are all going to dictate whether you make this your day.

So I ask you again;

What are you going to do today to make this your day?


It does not to be a world-changing day.

Set the bar to realism.

Set the bar at having a smile as you sign the day off.

Because you did things that allowed you to feel that you made this day yours.


It can be just another day.

Or you can make this one stand out.

It’s your choice.

What’s it going to be?