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The statistics relating to today’s employee paint a clear picture for employers and business leaders. This picture illustrates the reality that a good percentage of your current staff will leave you. The facts about your workforce: According to a study by Gallup, 60% of your millenial workers are currently open to moving jobs. Research by […]

Why being lost in thought is not lost time…. Much of the writing around work and achievement comes with inbuilt assumptions about the kind of work that we value.  In particular, it’s assumed that the work produces some form of measurable output – and the more of it the better.  So, we read about how […]

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves.” – Swami Vivekananda A growth mindset is key to progression. Stanford Professor Carol Dweck, a prominent contributor to the research area, states that with a growth mindset we believe our abilities can be developed through […]

“Compassion is the most profitable business skill” – Marie Forleo, Entrepreneur. Key advice about the importance of compassion in life is given moments before a flight takes off. Specifically, it’s hidden in the instructions during the safety demonstration on how to deal with loss of cabin pressure. We’re instructed to apply our own oxygen mask before tending to […]