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Author: John Slattery

It’s a beautiful book. With an empowering message. Transformative actually. And yet the birth of the message….How does it come from there? Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. It can unlock your potential. It can free you from your inhibitions. And yet the birth of the message…..Is from the depths of time spent in […]

Pending one’s outlook, I may have been perceived as having a ‘thriving career’. I ticked many of those boxes that traditionally implied success; I was a qualified accountant, working for an internationally recognised company, being relatively well compensated, with ample opportunities to travel and a visible career ladder to take me to the highest rank. […]

….the only solution is to measure (and pursue) it. A thriving career has a different meaning for every individual, as everyone is motivated by different factors, which change and evolve throughout their career. It is not an exact science, nor does one size fit all! However, if you feel you have the answer to it, then […]

For me it’s simple – people thrive in their career because they achieve the mix of extrinsic and intrinsic reward that is right for them. Extrinsic reward is easy to define; it’s the monetary value of your compensation (salary, bonus, pension, healthcare etc…).  Extrinsic reward is what drove people for generations and continues to drive […]

Why being lost in thought is not lost time…. Much of the writing around work and achievement comes with inbuilt assumptions about the kind of work that we value.  In particular, it’s assumed that the work produces some form of measurable output – and the more of it the better.  So, we read about how […]

..Operate in the Now. The final reason in the Inspo 10/10/10 series on why people thrive in their career relates to their ability to perform ‘in the now’. In his book, “In Pursuit of Excellence”, Terry Orlick cites how ‘distraction control’ is key to thriving in your career. In addition, Orlick states that those who ground themselves in the […]